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The national library of Sweden becomes the first national library to fully transition to linked data

With linked open data, the information in the library catalogue can be more easily understood by the rest of the web.

The National Library of Sweden (Kungliga Biblioteket) has introduced a new Libris catalog, utilizing Bibframe 2.0 and linked open data. This format enhances the web’s understanding of library collections, allowing for easier access and highlighting of rich information. As the first national library to switch to Bibframe 2.0, Libris will provide efficient cataloguing and a comprehensive view of library collections.

RDA-FR : Instructions sur l’enregistrement des œuvres et des expressions des ressources continues

Icône RDA-FR mise à jour

Le chapitre transverse des Ressources continues (Instructions sur l’enregistrement des œuvres et des expressions de ressource continue) est désormais en ligne. Ce chapitre fournit des règles pour le choix, l’établissement et l’enregistrement des éléments fondamentaux visant à permettre à l’utilisateur d’identifier les œuvres contenues dans les manifestations : titres privilégiés et variantes de titre de l’œuvre et autres éléments d’identification de l’œuvre de ressource continue. En outre, il définit des éléments complémentaires qui peuvent aussi figurer dans une description précise des œuvres de ressource continue. Notamment, il établit des instructions sur la construction des points d’accès autorisés.

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2024: the proceedings are online

The 8th BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe Annual Meeting took place in September 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. The aim of this event is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation. The transition from MARC to Linked Data using the BIBFRAME model and related tools was discussed.

The programme, proceedings and videos are online.


99% des éditeurs français de Mir@bel sont alignés avec IdRef / 99% of French publishers are aligned with IdRef

Icône IdRef

Les quatorze partenaires du projet Mir@bel2022 ont choisi de s’appuyer sur le référentiel IdRef pour améliorer l’identification des éditeurs et la qualité de leur description pour les revues éditées en France. Depuis 3 ans les équipes de l’Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (Abes) et les membres des réseaux Abes et Mir@bel ont réalisé un important travail d’alignement et de curation de données. Un dernier chantier a permis la création de plus de 200 notices IdRef et désormais, plus de 99% des éditeurs français dans Mir@bel sont dotés d’un IdRef !

The fourteen partners of the Mir@bel2022 project have chosen to rely on the IdRef reference system to improve the identification of publishers and the quality of their description for journals published in France.

September 2024 RDA Toolkit Release

Mix of blues and white dots used for RDA Toolkit Announcements

The latest release to RDA Toolkit took place on September 29 and contains no significant changes to the standard. It does include corrections to the English, Finnish and French versions of the Toolkit. Policy statements have been added, with significant additions from Library and Archives Canada and the National Library of New Zealand. Read the release notes.

This release will be the last of 2024. There will be 3 releases in 2025, set for February, June, and October.

OCLC releases Dewey linked data

OCLC is unlocking the power of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) to build an increasingly robust linked data infrastructure by creating uniform resource identifiers (URIs) for Dewey numbers. This Dewey linked data provides subject classifications to Works entities in WorldCat Entities, creating a layer of new relationships for knowledge graphs that power discovery. These identifiers make the Dewey classification numbers more meaningful, create connections between broad classification numbers and specific subject topics, and provide multi-language labels for otherwise opaque numbers.

Learn more about OCLC WebDewey service.

Announcing the Launch of the Peer Review Terminology Website | A Collaboration Between STM and NISO

STM and NISO developed a peer review standard, formalized as ANSI/NISO Z39.106-2023, Standard Terminology for Peer Review in July 2023. The Peer Review Terminology website is a resource designed to improve transparency and consistency in the peer review process. The website standardizes language and definitions used in peer review processes, allowing for better assessment and comparison of practices between journals. The partnership demonstrates how diverse organizations can collaborate to solve complex research communication challenges. The website features a standard terminology, an adopter dashboard, and a user-friendly guide.

The myth of perfect metadata matching

Metadata matching is complex and cannot be 100% accurate due to varied and messy input data. The challenges include dealing with different formats and incomplete information, making perfect matching unrealistic. Adjusting strategies to address specific errors can reduce overall performance. Striking a balance between precision and recall is crucial, accepting some imperfection as part of the process. Despite imperfections, automated large-scale matching can be beneficial. Proper strategies and error-checking mechanisms can minimize negative effects while improving metadata. Accurately assessing matching results is challenging but possible with scientific tools.

BIBFRAME July 2024 Update Forum


The BIBFRAME Update Forum in January 2024 highlighted the implementation of BIBFRAME by ExLibris and OCLC, and the Share Family linked data ecosystem, including Share-VDE. The presentation emphasized the importance of standard BIBFRAME for community interoperability and data curation. The Library of Congress is incorporating more scripts in bibliographic data regarding conversions from MARC to BIBFRAME and Scriptshifter, an automated tool developed by Library of Congress that can convert over 90 non-latin scripts into latin script following the LC/ALA guidelines. See this presentation: Scriptshifter: Enhancing Library Metadata and Discovery 

The BIBFRAME Update Forum held on 1 July 2024 was meant to discuss these changes.

Enquête sur le chapitre G (ressources continues) du code RDA-FR

Logo du code de catalogage RDA-FR Transposition française de RDA

Le traitement documentaire des ressources continues (collections et périodiques) en RDA-FR fait l’objet d’un chapitre qui rejoindra la rubrique des Instructions générales du site de publication du code. Il est soumis à enquête nationale auprès des professionnels de l’information. L’enquête est placée sous l’égide de l’Afnor, par la commission CN 46-9 Information et documentation – Identification et description,  pour publication officielle dans le code RDA-FR. Le chapitre G décline la mise en œuvre du modèle IFLA LRM selon le principe Œuvre-Expression-Manifestation ou WEM lock. Les commentaires sont attendus avant le 20 septembre 2024.

Texte soumis à enquête : chapitre G