Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

MVB assigns ISNIs in German speaking countries

Since 1 January 2020,  the Frankfurt-based technology and information provider MVB has taken over the role of a registration agency for the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. MVB is building the new standardization service during the first half of 2020. All author information in the VLB (Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher), the catalogue of books in print used in the German-speaking world, automatically receives an ISNI, provided the German National Library has clearly identified the author.  From now on, publishers who maintain their titles on can also add ISNIs to their authors. Consequently, the number of titles with unique creator identifiers will increase significantly within a short period of time.

Conversation continuing between the RSC and BIBFRAME

The conversation continued at the 2019 ALA Midwinter Conference in Philadelphia between representatives of the RDA Steering Committee and the larger BIBFRAME community, which includes the Library of Congress/NDMSO, LD4P, Share-VDE, and the organizer group of the annual BIBFRAME workshops in Europe. A possible field of future cooperation is an approach to application profiles. For the coming years, the RSC has a BIBFRAME mapping on its action plan. The group is pleased to report continuing progress and is planning to meet again at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in June 2020. All the presentations of ALA Midwinter Conference are now online.

The consortium «French Community ORCID» was launched in October 2019 with 34 establishments

The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation’s Open Science Committee has commissioned the Couperin consortium to lead a consortium membership in ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) on behalf of French institutions, especially higher education and research institutions. This consortium makes it possible to pool memberships on a national scale, in particular to obtain preferential rates for individual institutions and strengthen French overall representation. Consortium membership will provide the opportunity to promote ORCID for researchers and institutions, and build ORCID-based services. ORCID is a non-profit organization that assigns persistent digital identifiers to researchers and academics. This membership is in line with one of the French commitments to the Open Government Partnership (Commitment 18: Developing an “open science” ecosystem).

ISO 4 standard revision

ISO standards regularly undergo a systematic revision process. A ballot about ISO 4 standard revision has been issued by ISO and will be closed by February 25, 2020. This ballot is intended to decide if the standard should be revised, maintained without any modification, or withdrawn. The ISSN International Centre is in favour of confirming the ISO 4 standard. Contact your ISO national member body to voice your support for the confirmation.

Resolutions regarding ISO 3297 – ISSN 6th version

The following resolutions are currently submitted to vote by ISO TC46/SC9:

RESOLUTION 2020-01: Stop Publication ISO 3297

ISO/TC46/SC9 resolves to stop the publication of ISO 3297 to incorporate the missing section and make other amendments to the document resulting from the FDIS ballot closed November 29, 2019 and the translation of ISO/FDIS 3297 as contained in ISO_PUB_3297.doc.

RESOLUTION 2020-02: Launch 2nd FDIS Ballot

ISO/TC46/SC9 resolves to launch a 2nd FDIS ballot of the document with the missing text included and the other proposed changes included. Please note that a 2nd FDIS is an exception when the first FDIS resulted in approval. In this case with missing text, this is the only option to ensure a well vetted document.

Please contact your ISO national member body to support these resolutions before March 16th, 2020.

OCLC Research mini symposium on Authorities & Identifiers in Barcelona

Together with CSUC (Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya), OCLC organized a symposium for library professionals in Spain engaged in metadata practices around authorities and identifiers. The goal was to encourage thinking strategically about the transition towards an interlinked ecosystem of bibliographic entities. Thirty-five staff from CSUC member institutions, the national library of Spain and the university of the Basque Country participated in this event in Barcelona on 3 December 2019.

Have a look at the event webpage with the slide presentations

CONTENTdm Linked Data Pilot

CONTENTdm is a service for building, preserving and showcasing a library’s unique digital collections.

The large volume of unique, digital content stored in CONTENTdm offers an excellent opportunity for transition to linked data. Using linked data, the wide variety of data models and descriptive practices across CONTENTdm will be significantly easier to manage for library staff and will provide rich discovery for library end-users and web browsers. Immediate benefits of this project will be the ability to do structured searching across all CONTENTdm repositories and searching and faceting based on authority files and library-staff-defined vocabularies. The outcomes and findings from the linked data Wikibase prototype (Project Passage) completed in 2018 have provided great insight into how to implement a system to facilitate the mapping, reconciliation, storage, and retrieval of structured data for unique digital materials.

The agenda for the asynchronous RSC meeting has been posted on the RSC website

The agenda for the asynchronous RSC meeting, held 6-9 January 2020, has been posted on the RSC website.

Three papers associated with agenda items being discussed have also been posted and are linked from the agenda.

Community feedback on these papers via your regional representative is most welcome.

Tracking journal titles and ISSNs where they live: assessing implementation of the recommended practices for the presentation and the identification of e-journals (PIE-J)

Tina Buck, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Central Florida, will present NISO’s PIE-J recommended practices at ER&L (Electronic Resources and Libraries) annual conference to be held on 10 March 2020 in Austin, Texas, USA. PIE-J addresses presentation of titles and ISSNs throughout a journals’ lifespan. Such presentation is critical for accurate citations, link resolver functionality, and general ease of use. But is PIE-J being followed? This session will assess several publisher/platform displays of journal landing pages and article level screens.

Look at the full schedule.

The agenda for the next RDA Steering Committee meeting is available

The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) is responsible for maintaining RDA: Resource Description and Access.

RDA is a package of data elements, guidelines, and instructions for creating library and cultural heritage resource metadata that are well-formed according to international models for user-focussed linked data applications.

The agenda for the asynchronous RSC meeting, to be held 6-9 January 2020, has been posted on the RSC website.

Three papers associated with agenda items being discussed have also been posted and are linked from the agenda.

Community feedback on these papers via your regional representative is most welcome.