Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

Open identifiers for open science

The French Committee for Open Science (CoSO) was formed as a result of the National Plan for Open Science presented by Frederique Vidal, the Higher Education, Research and Innovation Minister on July 4th 2018, to the annual conference of the League of European Research Libraries (LIBER). The Committee wrote recommendations for the benefit of researchers and institutions, to foster open identifiers for open science. A large number of identifiers coexist. Good practice guides and action plans are being developed at the international level. The CoSO is defining a strategy to develop and adopt these identifiers with an objective of openness.

Where Can You Find NISO @ ALA 2019?

From 21 to 24 June 2019, NISO will participate in 4 sessions at ALA 2019, the American Library Association Annual Conference. Notably, the NISO Annual Members Meeting & Standards Update to be held on 22 June 2019 will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed: Open Discovery Initiative, Transfer, KBART Automation, RA21 and Content Platform Migrations.

When an ISO Standard is Crossed with a NISO Recommended Practice, Good Things Result

Laurie Kaplan, Sr. Manager at ProQuest, and Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the U.S. ISSN Center and Head of the ISSN Section at the Library of Congress, are active on both the PIE-J committee and the ISO 8 revision working group. Through this presentation, they highlight the most salient points of the newly re-born standard ISO 8:2019:  Presentation and Identification of Periodicals. The “crossing” of the ISO 8 Standard and the NISO PIE-J RP enhances the guidance of PIE-J by presenting similar information in a standard, for the benefit of all stakeholders of the periodical supply chain. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of the ISSN as an identifier of periodicals, with reference to ISO-3297, Information and documentation — International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), currently under revision. It also makes specific recommendations for presentation and identification aspects of retrospective digitization of periodicals.

NISO Open Teleconference about the Transfer Code of Practice

On 10 June 2019, NISO organised an Open Teleconference about the Transfer Code of Practice, updated in April 2019. Transfer originated with the United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) and moved to the auspices of NISO in 2014. Since September 10th, 2018, the Transfer alerting service has been hosted by the ISSN International Centre:

The  conversation was held with Transfer Standing Committee co-chair James Phillpotts of Oxford University Press and Standing Committee member Linda Wobbe of SCELC. The recording of this event can be downloaded.

ISNIs in Publishing, Cataloging and the Library Supply Chain

At 2019 CILIP Conference (Manchester, 3-4 July 2019), Tim Devenport, Executive Director of the ISNI International Agency, and Andrew MacEwan, Head of Content and Metadata Processing at the British Library, will give a presentation about ISNIs in Publishing, Cataloguing and the Library Supply Chain. They will describe how the ISNI is linking library authority files with publisher supply chain metadata across multiple content industries. A case study will show how the use of ISNIs in the British Library’s metadata opens up new opportunities for collaboration with the book publishing industry.

The full CILIP Conference programme is online.

New services from ISNI International Authority

ISNI IA plans to introduce new  services for ISNI member organizations and other communities. These will include better partitioning of organizational vs personal ISNI identifiers, the provision of ISNI identifiers and associated metadata in the form of open linked data, and enhancements in search and API functionality. Publishers and even imprints can have ISNIs, they can be used as publisher and imprint identifiers in ONIX and in other metadata sets such as the one managed by the ISSN International Centre in its portal.

Article Uploads in DOAJ: The importance of the ISSN

In February 2019, DOAJ tightened up procedures for article uploads. This includes checks that are carried out on uploads particularly ISSN, DOI, and full text URL information.

This means that, whether uploading article XML or JSON via the API, the metadata must include the exact same ISSN value(s) as those DOAJ holds in the journal record. If a journal title has two ISSNs on its website (one ISSN for the print version and one ISSN for the online version) and DOAJ only has one, you should contact DOAJ to have the second ISSN added. If need be, the ISSN Network can be contacted to update journal metadata.

Journal Serials Librarian features Article about ISSN

The journal Serials Librarian has just released an article about the future of ISSN written by Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN IC Director, and John Akeroyd, consultant with CiberResearch. The article entitled Irreplaceable ISSN: from 2007 to the Future  reports on the global survey of ISSN users that was undertaken in 2018 to inform ISO experts working on the revision of ISSN standard. Article is available at .

Publisher Platforms and NISO’s PIE-J

PIE-J, i.e. Presentation and Identification of E-Journals, is a NISO Recommended Practice that offers guidelines on how journals can be presented online so as to ensure discoverability and access of content over time. A presentation will be given at NASIG annual conference in Pittsburgh, 4 – 8 June 2019, to showcase how publishers use PIE-J.

More information about PIE-J implementation was shared by Steve Shadle, Head of Serials Cataloging at the University of Washington Libraries, at ER&L 2019 Conference. His presentation can be downloaded at PIE-J Presentation-S-Shadle-ErandL2019.

First RDA Meeting held in Brazil

The first ever RDA Meeting in Brazil was held 16 – 18 April 2019 in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina). It brought together more than 200 information science professionals who are actively teaching and researching RDA. The objective was to share information and experiences about research and application of the standard in Brazil, and discuss how to work towards adoption of RDA into Brazilian Librarianship.

The event was organized by the National Service of Commercial Learning of Santa Catarina (Senac/SC) and the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). The event’s program and slides are available.