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y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

A Deeper Dive into RDA

At the ALA Midwinter Meeting held in Seattle in January 2019, members of the RDA Steering Committee hosted this three hour event thanks to the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access. The presentations and subsequent question and answers sessions were recorded, and the recordings have been posted on the RDA YouTube channel.

BIBFRAME Update Forum at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2019

The BIBFRAME Update highlighted expansion activities. Expanding the Library of Congress Pilot 2 during 2019 requires that BIBFRAME be convertible to MARC and the BIBFRAME system be more efficient. Philip Schreur described the exciting expansion that Stanford is leading under a Mellon grant. European activity and the European BIBFRAME Workshop were the focus for Reinhold Heuvelmann from the Deutsche Bibliothek. And OCLC provided an update on their BIBFRAME explorations. The presentations are online.

Designating Open Access and License Information for Remote Online Resources in the MARC 21 Formats

This discussion paper was submitted at the MARC Advisory Committee meeting at the Midwinter meeting of the American Library Association in January 2019. This paper proposes improved ways of indicating open and restricted access, as well as license information, for remote online resources through coordinated changes to the MARC 21 fields 506 (Restrictions on Access Note), 540 (Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note), and 856 (Electronic Location and Access).

PREMIS News & Highlights for 2018

PREMIS (PREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies) is a data dictionary created in 2005, hosted by the Library of Congress and maintained collegially by the PREMIS Editorial Committee. It is used to express information on digital documents with a view to their sustainability. Karin Bredenberg, Chair of the PREMIS Editorial Committee, gives an overview of the projects and outcomes achieved in 2018.

BnF data updated as from January 1st, 2019

The National Library of France (BnF) is adapting its cataloging rules to align with the recommendations contained in Sections 2 and 3 of RDA-FR (2017). These evolutions have an impact on current cataloguing and should not be implemented retrospectively. Authority records (Works and Persons) are mostly concerned but related bibliographic records may also be impacted. The work of the Standardization Group «RDA in France» is presented here. Updated documentation about BnF UNIMARC will be issued shortly.

[in French]

New Registration Agencies join ISNI

ISNI-IA is a membership organization, to date supported by over forty regular Members and Registration Agencies. Recent months have seen registration agency numbers swell with the addition of EDItEUR member BTLF (active in the Francophone publishing industries in Canada), the National Libraries of Sweden and Spain, and two new entrants from the music industry – Soundways Inc. (USA) and Consolidated Independent (UK). The latter two join YouTube, which became an ISNI Registration Agency early in 2018, in representing the recorded music sector.

COUNTER 5 Update

Since the latest report of the Standards Committee, the COUNTER organization has continued its consultations with librarians and publishers and made a few changes to the original COUNTER Release 5 Code of Practice draft. The most notable changes regard the handling of «gold» and «delayed» Open Access. The technical report of the changes is available on the COUNTER organization website, but most librarians may find reading The Friendly Guide to Release 5 for Librarians to be the most useful to understanding the overall R5 as it stands now.

New webinars about Linked data for librarians

The College of Computing and Informatics of Drexel University announced three free open online learning series on metadata and linked data for the library and cultural heritage community. One of the webinars is called Linked Data for Librarians by Seth van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh. It provides an introduction to implementing Linked Data in library settings and then explores more advanced aspects of Linked Data applications, projects, and skills.

Optimising ISNI for the Identification of Organizations

On 8 May 2018, ISNI held a briefing and outreach webinar entitled Optimising ISNI for the Identification of Organizations. The well-attended virtual meeting explored aspects of ISNI’s ongoing work to establish an Organizations Registry alongside its repository of person-related information in the global ISNI database. ISNI’s involvement in this area is not new, and to date over 700,000 ISNI identifiers have been assigned to organizational entities (out of a total of more than 10 million ISNIs assigned to date).

The webinar focused on two areas – establishing and verifying the need for a dedicated registry, and taking concrete steps to maximize the usefulness of the resource, initially for the scholarly and related communities. A copy of the webinar presentation is available from ISNI Executive Director, Tim Devenport.