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y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

Guidelines for creating a user tailored EOSC Compliant PID Policy

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative aims to develop a system providing users with cloud computing services for open science practices.

When selecting an appropriate PID service, it is important to understand what your expectations are with respect to uniqueness, persistence and resolvability, and what methods and services are available to perform and control this selection process. These Guidelines are meant for helping PID Managers. This deliverable is opened until 31 August 2024 for the external community review as well as review in the ongoing FAIR-IMPACT support programme Creating EOSC compliant Persistent Identifier (PID) policies.

Uniform Resource Name in National Libraries: a URN:NBN landscape report

In the thirty years since the Uniform Resource Name (URN) concept was introduced, thirteen European countries have issued URNs for cultural heritage collections using the NBN (National Bibliography Number) namespace. This report, based on interviews with URN providers from November 2023 to February 2024, reveals varied experiences. Some providers found URN successful, while others faced challenges. Over 113 million URN have been issued, appreciated for their ease of use and low costs. Challenges include technical development and lack of institutional prioritization. The report suggests fostering collaboration among URN providers for future success.

BISG unveils new Working Group for the nationwide adoption of ISNIs in the United States

In March 2024, the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) launched its latest Working Group, dedicated to establishing a strategy for the nationwide adoption of ISNI across the United States. The inaugural meeting on 27th March, attended by a number of industry leaders, set the stage for the Working Group’s activities. The Group will start by documenting successful ISNI workflow models from other countries, assessing their benefits and determining their applicability to the US market. Additionally, the Group will continue to represent US interests in the meetings of the ISNI Book Publishing Consultation Group.

2024 public data file now available, featuring new experimental formats

2024 public data file now available, featuring new experimental formats - Crossref

In January, Martin Eve announced that Crossref had been experimenting with alternative file formats meant to make Crossref public data files easier to use by broader audiences. This year’s public data file is now available, featuring over 156 million metadata records deposited with Crossref through the end of April 2024 from over 19,000 members. A full breakdown of Crossref metadata statistics is available here. You can download all of these records in one go via Academic Torrents.

8e journée professionnelle « Métadonnées en bibliothèques » du 1er décembre 2023 : vidéos et présentations

Cette journée professionnelle était organisée par le groupe Systèmes & Données de la Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) suite à la présentation en 2022 d’un jeu de données UNIMARC Entités / Relations conforme au modèle IFLA LRM. Ce jeu de données Entités /Relations implique notamment une réflexion sur les interfaces des applications de la BnF : Comment interroger ces données ? Comment les afficher ? Quels services leur associer ? Cette journée offre aussi un refrain sur l’actualité du programme, et une présentation du projet Noemi mené par la BnF, première réalisation d’envergure pour la mise en musique de la Transition bibliographique.

Retrouvez la retransmission vidéo sur la chaîne YouTube de la BnF ainsi que les présentations.

Unique Electronic Resource Package Identifiers

E-resources are frequently purchased as packages, but identifying them only by name creates ambiguity in the supply chain, affecting libraries, content providers, platforms, and users.

The NISO Unique Electronic Resource Package Identifiers Working Group will evaluate and create recommendations for a unique identifier to enable disambiguation between packages. This identifier will allow all stakeholders to streamline and simplify their processes, and to more easily track changes. It will also provide libraries with clear information about which titles a package contains, enabling them, for example, to manage claims when journals move between publishers.

NISO expects to convene the working group later this year.

ISNI’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and developmental progress

ISNI’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is assessing 2023 accomplishments and outlining priorities for enhancing ISNI infrastructure in 2024. In 2023, work included extending the AtomPub API for managing duplicate records, enhancing transparency in handling life dates, and implementing policy updates on gender identity. Two major projects have finished development, undergoing rigorous user testing: a duplicate detection crawler for ongoing database monitoring and improvements in Hangul script submissions, benefiting Korean users and eventually others. These efforts aim to bolster ISNI’s efficiency and inclusivity.

Project PID Network Germany

PID Network Logo

The research project PID Network Germany has been actively involved for a year in establishing a network of existing and currently forming actors in science and culture, which covers the application, implementation, standardization and international connectivity of PID systems. The two-year workshop series started as part of the project. In this series, actors and stakeholders in the PID landscape are specifically addressed in order to identify needs and thus jointly develop recommendations for a national PID roadmap.

A look back at BIBFRAME January 2024 Update Forum

Initiated by the Library of Congress, BIBFRAME provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, both on the web, and in the broader networked world that is grounded in Linked Data techniques. This Update Forum held on 22 January 2024 featured BIBFRAME activities of two institutions: ExLibris and OCLC. ExLibris described their plans for using BIBFRAME linked data as defined by the Library of Congress with their system, Alma. And OCLC followed with developments underway for supporting libraries that will be using BIBFRAME.

The video recording and the slides are online.

Premiers éléments de l’ontologie RDA-FR concernant les ressources continues

ontologie V0.3.0

Dans le cadre du programme Transition bibliographique, l’objectif de l’ontologie RDA-FR est d’exprimer avec les technologies du web sémantique les entités, leurs attributs et leurs relations définies par le code de catalogage RDA-FR en conformité avec le modèle international IFLA LRM.

Les premiers éléments de l’ontologie RDA-FR concernant les ressources continues viennent d’être publiés en version bêta : voir
L’ontologie rend compte des attributs de l’Oeuvre de ressource continue, sous-classe de l’entité Oeuvre, ainsi que de toutes les relations entre une Oeuvre de ressource continue et une autre oeuvre (qui peut ou non être de ressource continue).