Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

Publishers start requiring ORCID iDs

After being approached by some editors for identifiers during the grant application process for researchers and authors, ORCID was asked to help them in providing information and tools for a common low-barrier user experience.

New edition of Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) is formally published

This newly official edition is a revision of ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012, also known as JATS 1.0, first published in July 2012. JATS 1.1 includes changes based on comments from users made on JATS 1.0 through February 2015, which have been addressed by the NISO JATS Standing Committee. The Journal Article Tag Suite provides a common XML format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content. The JATS provides a set of XML elements and attributes for describing the textual and graphical content of journal articles as well as some non-article material such as letters, editorials, and book and product reviews.

RDA Governance Review Takes First Step in Implementation

On the 6th November 2015, the first step in implementing the recent review of the RDA Governance Model was taken with the launch of the new governance branding. The names of the Committee of Principals and Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA changed to the RDA Board and RDA Steering Committee (RSC). This change is an important milestone in the project to internationalise RDA.

Springer Nature implements ORCID unique digital identifiers for books and chapters

Springer Nature will collaborate with ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to enable authors and editors to apply their digital identifiers to books and chapters, ensuring recognition of their work. These identifiers can be linked to the researcher’s contributions to enhance scientific discovery and collaboration within the research community.

International identification and “white and grey literature”

Flavia Cancedda / Italian ISSN centre and Luisa de Biagi / National Referring Centre for Grey Literature will speak at the 17th International Conference on Grey Literature on 1st and 2nd December, 2015. They will consider the usefulness of establishing common guidelines for cross-sharing and cross-use of data, metadata and identifiers, that allow international agencies to pool or exchange their information collections.

Researcher identifiers: National approaches to ORCID and ISNI implementation

In June 2015, Knowledge Exchange brought together representatives from its five partner countries for a workshop to share national perspective on ORCID and ISNI. The challenges, solutions and lessons learned with regards to implementation of ORCID and ISNI on a national scale were discussed as well as the progress of ORCID and ISNI adoption internationally.

The report of this workshop is now available online.

Ringgold releases over 400,000 ISNI numbers for institutions in the Identify Database

Ringgold has expanded the descriptive metadata associated with the records in the Identify Database by developing a new classification system in consultation with customers. A schema was developed by Ringgold for the Identify Database that included nine new areas of classification, each providing a high degree of granularity. The Identify Classification Data has now been applied to all records in the Academic sector.