Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
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RDA – Resource Description and Access – status and perspectives 2014

More than 150 participants from 29 countries attended the IFLA Satellite Meeting RDA – Resource Description and Access – status and perspectives 2014 on August 13th that was organized by IFLA’s Cataloguing Section at the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main.

Chaired by Hanne Hörl Hansen and Miriam Säfström a range of interesting presentations was given by prominent speakers delivering first-hand information both on the background of RDA in general (Chris Oliver) and the current status and plans of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) (Gordon Dunsire). The Chair of the European RDA Interest Group (RDA), Verena Schaffner, presented the activities of this group. Speakers from the United Kingdom (Thurstan Young), the RDA implementation project in the German-speaking community (Renate Behrens-Neumann), the Netherlands (Daniel van Spanje) and the Arab region (Ossama Mahmoud) reported of the implementation activities in their respective libraries or regions and/or plans to do so. A speaker from France explained the reasons why they chose another way (Francoise Leresche). Presentations on authority data and RDA (Brigitte Wiechmann and Sarah Hartmann), and on formats for encoding RDA data (Sally McCallum and Gordon Dunsire) completed the picture. Last but very important, the audience learned what is necessary when planning to translate RDA (James Henelly) and what will be the future strategies for RDA (Simon Edwards).

International Standard Link Identifier (ISLI)

The purpose is to identify links between related identified entities (digital objects) in the field of information and documentation. Linked entities can be media resources, humans, and corporations, or even abstract content (times, places) that can be identified uniquely. The link model of ISLI includes three elements: a source, a target, and the link between them.

The goal is a combined rendering of different representations of rich media and a wider use of resources, as it provides interoperability.

The International Standard Link Identifier (ISLI) was approved in August at ISO. The call for candidates for the registration authority for ISO 17316 (ISLI) closed on Sept. 1st, 2014.

FRBR and serials: the PRESSoo model

Patrick Le Bœuf / Bibliothèque nationale de France and François-Xavier Pelegrin / ISSN IC, will present at IFLA 2014 the model, as well as its background and recent developments of PRESSoo.

PRESSoo is an extension of the FRBRoo model devoted to serials and continuing resources.

NISO Publishes Recommended Practice on Demand Driven Acquisition of Monographs

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a new recommended practice, Demand Driven Acquisition of Monographs (NISO RP-20-2014). Demand driven acquisition (DDA), also referred to as patron-driven acquisition, is a method used by libraries for collection development where monographs are purchased at their point of need when selected by users from a pool of potential titles.

NISO Publishes Recommended Practice on Promoting Transparency in Library Discovery Services

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a new recommended practice, Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery (NISO RP-19-2014), which provides specific guidelines on participation in the new generation of library discovery services. The group’s final publication includes guidelines to content providers on disclosure of level of participation, the minimum set of metadata elements provided for indexing, linking practices, and technical formats.