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Final Report of the Standing Committee on Standards (SCS) Task Group on Developing Guidelines for Using ISO 639-3 Language Codes for Library Cataloging


The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Task Group on Developing Guidelines for Using ISO 639-3 Language Codes for Library Cataloging was charged with developing a set of guidelines for how to use ISO 639-3 language codes in MARC records. These guidelines were approved by the PCC on November 22, 2022. Most of the test recommendations were carried over. The guidelines continue to recommend only using ISO 639-3 language codes in addition to MARC language codes in shared cataloging in order to support interoperability.

ISBD for Manifestation in review

The ISBD Review Group and the ISBD for Manifestation Task Force held an online introductory meeting on 8 February 2024 with participants from other IFLA bodies, Resource Description and Access (RDA), MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) and ISSN International Centre, in order to facilitate the start of the expert review phase of the ISBD for Manifestation. This phase will be ending by mid-May 2024, and will be followed by an official worldwide review phase from mid-May to mid-July. A webinar for all interested colleagues before starting the review will be held at the end of April 2024.

Have a look at the ISBD for Manifestation website.

Nouveau numéro d’Arabesques : Autorités et référentiels, le nouveau paradigme

Couverture Arabesques N°112

Un précédent dossier en 2017 donnait déjà à voir l’importance des identifiants, les usages d’IdRef hors de l’Abes, et la complémentarité homme/machine dans les tâches de liage des ressources documentaires à des notices d’autorité. En 2023, en dressant les 6 points forts de l’Abes, l’évaluation du Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (Hcéres) saluait « la qualité et la pertinence de l’offre de services, en particulier des référentiels, dont IdRef ».

ISBD for Manifestation new tool

The ISBD for Manifestation Task Force can now present a first draft of the ISBD for Manifestation (ISBDM) under the form of an online tool.

The ISBDM review phase 1 started already in November 2023 with an ISBD Review Group review. The review will now continue with phase 2, which is an “expert review” where experts from other IFLA bodies, RDA, MAC, and ISSN are invited. Phase 2 will start with an online introductory meeting on 8 February, at 3-5 PM (Paris time) to which 2-4 ISSN Review Group experts are invited.

Please find the ISBDM review phase plan:

National Library of New Zealand’s plan to implement the «new» RDA

These are the key dates between now and implementation.

• October 2023:  first phase of  internal training, diving into new concepts and getting comfortable navigating the new Toolkit.

• January 2024: most of the policy statements will be live in the Toolkit following the next planned release at the end of January.

• February 2024:  2nd phase of internal training which will be hands- on and practical.

• May 2024: end of training,  documentation finalized and setting a “day 1” implementation date around that time.

Read the report on pp. 8-12

ANSI/NISO Z39.105-2023, Content Profile/Linked Document Published

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announced publication of its newest standard, ANSI/NISO Z39.105-2023, Content Profile/Linked Document (CP/LD).

For most disciplines, the journal article remains the primary means of communicating the outputs of scholarly research. As a result, publishing workflows have been largely based on large XML document models. This standard is an application of HTML and JSON-LD to create semantic relationships between content and data elements in scholarly publishing to express self-describing, machine-actionable content for reuse and interchange of scholarly research information.

RDA in German-speaking countries / RDA im deutschsprachigen Raum


As the first standard STA community platform, the future relevant regulations for the German-speaking area were published on 1 August 2023:RDA DACH  (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). This is an adaptation of the international standard  Resource Description & Access (RDA) for the German-speaking area. These regulations will be gradually developed by experts from a wide range of disciplines and supplemented in the coming months. Training for newcomers will follow at a later date.

Take a look at the first applications of the STA platform.

Als erster Standard der STA-Plattform wurde am 1. August das künftig maßgebliche Erschließungsregelwerk für den deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlicht: RDA DACH. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Adaption des internationalen Standards Resource Description & Access (RDA) für den DACH-Raum. Diese Regelungen werden sukzessive durch Expert innen aus unterschiedlichsten Sparten erarbeitet und in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten ergänzt.

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die ersten Anwendungen der STA-Plattform.

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023

The aim of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation.
The 7th annual meeting took place in hybrid form on September 19 and 20, 2023 at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) in Brussels. 82 colleagues took part on site, 400 other colleagues from a total of 59 countries took part online.
Particular attention was paid to the topics of interoperability and convertibility between MARC and BIBFRAME.
For September 2024, the 8th BIBFRAME Workshop is planned to be held at the Finnish National Library in Helsinki.

Orientation et stratégie commune sur la Transition bibliographique : conclusions du Comité stratégique bibliographique exceptionnel du 18 octobre 2023

Le Comité stratégique des Bibliothèques (CSB) a publié un communiqué  réaffirmant la trajectoire d’ouverture des données bibliographiques françaises et l’intérêt des modèles entités-relations comme IFLA LRM. Le communiqué intègre des éléments de calendrier précis, sur lesquels les agences bibliographiques s’engagent.

Le CSB met également en avant dans son communiqué quelques grands principes, comme :

  •  la continuité de la fourniture de données dans les formats MARC actuels
  • l’importance d’achever rapidement la publication du code RDA-FR en favorisant sa simplification
  • ou l’engagement à assurer la compatibilité pérenne des normes françaises avec les évolutions internationales.

Lancement du site web RDA-FR

Initié en 2015, le projet de transposer le code RDA aux pratiques et besoins des bibliothèques françaises, a produit à ce jour près de 1200 pages de documentation (définitions, règles , exemples, référentiels, etc.).

Ce nouvel outil se substitue en partie au contenu de la rubrique Code RDA-FR sur le site du programme national Transition bibliographique. Parmi les grandes améliorations, notons en particulier : le moteur de recherche, la citabilité des parties et sous-parties à travers leur numérotation cliquable, les référentiels téléchargeables.

Pour en savoir plus, reportez-vous à l’actualité 5 questions sur le site RDA-FR.