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BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023

The aim of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation.
The 7th annual meeting took place in hybrid form on September 19 and 20, 2023 at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) in Brussels. 82 colleagues took part on site, 400 other colleagues from a total of 59 countries took part online.
Particular attention was paid to the topics of interoperability and convertibility between MARC and BIBFRAME.
For September 2024, the 8th BIBFRAME Workshop is planned to be held at the Finnish National Library in Helsinki.

Orientation et stratégie commune sur la Transition bibliographique : conclusions du Comité stratégique bibliographique exceptionnel du 18 octobre 2023

Le Comité stratégique des Bibliothèques (CSB) a publié un communiqué  réaffirmant la trajectoire d’ouverture des données bibliographiques françaises et l’intérêt des modèles entités-relations comme IFLA LRM. Le communiqué intègre des éléments de calendrier précis, sur lesquels les agences bibliographiques s’engagent.

Le CSB met également en avant dans son communiqué quelques grands principes, comme :

  •  la continuité de la fourniture de données dans les formats MARC actuels
  • l’importance d’achever rapidement la publication du code RDA-FR en favorisant sa simplification
  • ou l’engagement à assurer la compatibilité pérenne des normes françaises avec les évolutions internationales.

Lancement du site web RDA-FR

Initié en 2015, le projet de transposer le code RDA aux pratiques et besoins des bibliothèques françaises, a produit à ce jour près de 1200 pages de documentation (définitions, règles , exemples, référentiels, etc.).

Ce nouvel outil se substitue en partie au contenu de la rubrique Code RDA-FR sur le site du programme national Transition bibliographique. Parmi les grandes améliorations, notons en particulier : le moteur de recherche, la citabilité des parties et sous-parties à travers leur numérotation cliquable, les référentiels téléchargeables.

Pour en savoir plus, reportez-vous à l’actualité 5 questions sur le site RDA-FR.

SSP and the scholarly publishing sector’s need for Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

In June 2023, ISNI-IA provided a poster presentation at the Society of Scholarly Publishers (SSP) 45th Annual Meeting, with onsite support from Claire Holloway, Manager of Publishing Relations at OCLC.

Key takeaways from the Conference are that:
  • PIDs are now integrated into the majority of scholarly publishing workflows;
  • PID exchange and wider interoperability are increasingly desirable features to support the widest possible dissemination of content.

The ISNI poster, alongside a number of other posters from this year’s event, are available on

ORCID Increases Financial Support for ROR

As use cases build in the global research ecosystem around persistent identifiers (PIDs) for research organizations, ORCID has recently increased its financial commitment to the first and only openly available organization identifier—Research Organization Registry (ROR). Instead of disambiguating people as ORCID does, ROR disambiguates institution names, captures affiliations, links affiliation metadata to research outputs, and exchanges affiliation information across scholarly systems, making it an indispensable component of a research ecosystem that connects researchers with their research.

Countdown Clock for Original RDA Toolkit Set for May 2026

The RDA Board plans to begin a countdown clock in May 2026 (specific date still to be determined), with the removal of the original Toolkit taking place a year later—May 2027. This plan was presented to the RDA Steering Committee in May 2023, and the RSC fully supported this decision.

ISSN IC’s proposal to MARC Advisory Committee about Defining a New Field for Cluster ISSNs in the MARC 21 Formats

Cluster ISSN is a new concept defined in ISO 3297:2020. Cluster ISSNs are identifiers that allow an ISSN designated by a specific prefix, e.g., ISSN-L 0302-9743, to identify a group of related continuing resources.

This proposal is to define a new repeatable field (023), to provide a field that is distinct from the ISSN field (022) for this separate data element. Another goal is to allow the URIs associated with each Cluster ISSN to be linked unambiguously with their corresponding Cluster ISSN. Anticipation of future Cluster ISSNs with their associated URIs necessitates a new repeatable field to provide a separate field for each Cluster ISSN and its associated URIs. The result is a unique ISSN (ISSN-H) that will group the successive titles held by a publication over time.

In May 2023, the proposal was made available to the MARC community for discussion whose result will be known on 28 June 2023.

Finding Your Way with RDA

The Oceania region RDA Committee (ORDAC) presented a series of three webinars exploring concepts from the Official RDA Guidance chapters, presented by ORDAC member and Oceania RSC representative Charlotte Christensen from the National Library of New Zealand.
These sessions provide the step before beginning to describe a resource, exploring terminology and structure that will be key to following more community-focused sessions in the future. The recordings are available:

Watch the Session 1 recording

Watch the Session 2 recording

W3C re-launched as a public-interest non-profit organization

The World Wide Web Consortium has just formed a new public-interest non-profit organization. The new entity preserves a member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and cooperation while allowing for additional partners around the world beyond Europe and Asia. The new organization will develop open web standards as a single global organization with contributions from W3C Members, staff, and the international community.