Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

ISBD Revision: Aligning the ISBD to IFLA LRM, a chance to get involved!

The  International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) Review Group is seeking candidates to join its revision works aiming at aligning the ISBD to the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM).

The terms of reference for this aligning revision are to:

  • Complete an alignment of the ISBD to the LRM at the-Manifestation entity level;
  • Analyze the gaps in the element sets of the 2021 Update of the ISBD Consolidated edition 2011;
  • Produce the ISBD for Manifestation (ISBDM); that is an element set for the alignment with stipulations for describing an ISBD manifestation according to LRM.

Candidates will be selected and will work closely with the ISBD for Manifestation Task Force.

RDA in the German-speaking world (DACH)

In the framework of the 3R project for DACH libraries, an important step will be taken at the end of this year, together with the planned ending of the project. The first version of the DACH indexing manual will be published. This will include almost all item descriptions for published resources. A first application profile for published resources has been created. A training concept for the new cataloguing manual has been developed. At the same time, this project was submitted to the international discussion within the RSC.


QualiMarc : un outil en ligne pour évaluer la qualité des notices bibliographiques du Sudoc

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Ces dernières années, de nombreuses voix se sont élevées dans le réseau SUDOC pour défendre la qualité des données et du catalogue : notamment, les outils CheckSudoc, VerifSudoc et Kalidos ont été adoptés par les catalogueurs ; des groupes de travail spécifiques ont été mis en place dans certains établissements.

Avec QualiMarc, le réseau Sudoc se dote d’un outil supplémentaire pour atteindre cet objectif : que chacun, quel que soit son niveau de catalogage, puisse produire des données de qualité pour l’Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche français, en étant guidé sans être surveillé et en apprenant de ses erreurs.

Les autorités étoilées : partageons nos recettes pour des données de qualité !

Organisée le mardi  24 mai 2022, la  Journée d’étude « Les autorités étoilées » consacrée aux actions d’enrichissement pour la qualité des données d’autorité a remporté un franc succès avec 210 inscrits ayant participé aux échanges. Cette Journée d’étude en ligne visait plusieurs objectifs :

  • partage de méthodes de travail pour améliorer la qualité des données
  • retours d’expérience sur quelques réalisations menées par des Correspondants Autorités
  • échanges autour de collaborations possibles avec les autres acteurs du signalement

Les enregistrements des présentations sont en ligne et consultables sur le site de l’Abes.

Moving Ahead with the UK National PID Strategy

Over the past few years, Jisc has been driving conversations about the need for a UK national strategy for persistent identifiers (PID), in response to Professor Adam Tickell’s 2018 advice to the UK government on open access to research. This has included commissioning a report from Josh Brown which recommended a national approach with five major components. Jisc subsequently worked with Josh and the MoreBrains Cooperative to take these recommendations forward. It’s now time to move ahead with the next stage of the UK national PID strategy.

The RDA Registry opens up

The March 2022 release of RDA Toolkit was accompanied by an upgrade to the RDA Registry. This article describes the Registry upgrade in more detail. The RDA Registry is an interface to the RDA Vocabularies, including the RDA element sets and value vocabularies together with alignments and mappings to related bibliographic standards. The Registry provides free downloads of RDA Vocabularies data files in several different formats for use by developers. The Registry also offers open access to entity, element, and concept definitions and scope notes without the need for a subscription to RDA Toolkit.

See pp. 34-36 of IFLA Metadata Newsletter, vol. 8, n° 1, June 2022

Author identity management in the book chain

Out of a series of posts reporting back from conversations on transitioning to the next generation of metadata in Spain, this one focuses on author identification in the trade book supply chain (A Spanish translation is available here). To kick off the session, Andrew MacEwan gave an update on the British Library’s collaboration with publishers in the UK to promote use of ISNI identifiers in the upstream supply chain. This triggered a fruitful discussion in which the participants of the round table agreed that author identity management is a crucial part of the metadata supply chain of trade books. The main take-away was a raised awareness of the role ISNI can play to eliminate duplication and automate the process.

IFLA ISBD Review Group announces the release of the 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD

The 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD is the first release since the publication of the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD. It extends the coverage of ISBD to a larger array of resources, optimizes its ability for granular description, clarifies and develops some of the elements, and brings more organization and refinements into the description of some types of resources. Its development brings together the energies and expertise of senior members of the ISBD Review Group and external experts from specialized associations and learned societies. Mikael Wetterstöm, as Metadata expert at ISSN International Centre, participated in the Manifestation Task Force. Notably, the 2021 Update clarifies title changes for serials, multipart monographic and integrating resources, and changes in the edition statement.

You can download the official edition of the 2021 Update.

La Biblioteca Nacional del Perú crea Grupo RDA Perú para implementar estándares de catalogación internacional en bibliotecas del país

La Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (BNP) creó el Grupo RDA Perú con el fin de implementar el estándar internacional de catalogación RDA en las bibliotecas del país y lo anunció esta mañana en un evento presencial y virtual, que contó con la participación de Fabiola Vergara, jefa institucional del organismo; y Catalina Zavala, directora de la Dirección de Gestión de las Colecciones de la BNP. «El Grupo RDA Perú es el resultado del trabajo colaborativo entre los usuarios actuales y potenciales de RDA, con la finalidad de proporcionar la asistencia técnica para la implementación del nuevo estándar en todas las regiones del país, así como promover el estudio y la investigación de las RDA”, dice Catalina Zavala.

June 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

A new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on June 22, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. The changes made to the English text of RDA for this release were almost entirely editorial (correcting typos and other minor corrections). Policy statements from the Library of Congress – Program for Cooperative Cataloging, the British Library and Music Library Association Best Practices were also updated. The Finnish translation of RDA was updated to make it current with the March 2022 release of English RDA. Read more about the release in the June 2022 Release Notes.