Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos

ISNI: Numbering public names for the creative industries

On 16th February 2022, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held a webinar on the ISNI standard as part of its ongoing Copyright Infrastructure series. This webinar focussed on the role that ISNI plays within the creative industries – including the library, music, research and publishing sectors, as well as copyright management – and included an introduction from WIPO, a presentation from representatives of ISNI and a Question and Answers session. The event was well attended with approximately 200 individuals.

Watch the ISNI presentation on-demand on the YouTube channel

CCC announces acquisition of Ringgold, leading provider of organization identifiers in scholarly communications

CCC, a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, has acquired Ringgold, a longstanding provider of persistent organization identifiers widely used by the scholarly communications community. Ringgold is a recognized leader in PIDs for organizations and institutions. CCC has partnered with Ringgold for years and employs its identifiers to disambiguate author affiliations related to article processing charges in CCC’s RightsLink for Scientific Communications offering. Today, among its other services, Ringgold’s IdentifyDB identifier database contains more than 600,000 organization IDs and related metadata.

ParaNames: A Massively Multilingual Entity Name Corpus

This preprint describes work in progress on ParaNames, a multilingual parallel name resource consisting of names for approximately 14 million entities. The included names span over 400 languages, and almost all entities are mapped to standardized entity types. Using Wikidata as a source, this is the largest resource of this type to-date. ParaNames is useful for multilingual language processing, both in defining tasks for name translation/transliteration and as supplementary data for tasks such as named entity recognition and linking.

Identifiants pérennes et données de la recherche : trouver, relier, citer, valoriser les données

Les identifiants pérennes font partie de stratégies nationales, dont les principes sont rappelés en introduction de cette présentation qui répond à deux questions : Pourquoi et comment lier un jeu de données à une publication ? Comment citer un jeu de données ? Ce support comporte ainsi deux parties 1. Les identifiants pérennes : définition, fonctionnement, attribution 2. Les identifiants en pratique : faciliter l’accès, la citation, la traçabilité des jeux de données.

RDA Lab Series returns in 2022


The RDA Lab Series is designed to help participants understand how to apply the new RDA Toolkit created by the 3R Project. This series of 6 modules will provide hands-on experience using the new RDA and RDA Toolkit with an RDA Lab application profile. The webinars explore concepts introduced by the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM), such as the Nomen entity and aggregate manifestations. The focus is practical, not conceptual, giving participants strategies for implementing the updated RDA in their agencies. Sessions will take place on Thursdays starting on April 28, 2022.


RDA in German-speaking countries

Since 2020, the 3R project for DACH libraries, the switch to the new RDA toolkit for the German-speaking area, is being carried out. The project is led by the German National Library and carried out cooperatively by all partner institutions. The aim is to have a common handbook for cataloguing in German-speaking countries, to be used for good practices and ​​training purposes.
All information of the element and resource descriptions is compiled in a common documentation based on Wikibase. The development of application profiles is being carried out. Another working group is developing a training concept, whose training sessions are expected to take place in the first half of 2023.


Believe it or not, MARC can be indexed using SPARQL. Granted, RDF triplestores cannot index MARC/XML directly, but a literal transformation of MARC/XML into a standard RDF serialization is not that hard, and can prove to be a swift and direct way to retain MARC-originating data values for querying. The use cases may not be immediately obvious, but the analysis below is a starting point that provides evidence of the utility and efficiency of this approach for anyone seeking to try these methods out. To be clear, though, the proposal here is not to manage or exchange data directly in this form; only to enable query access to existing MARC data.

The upcoming ISNI Library Sector Open Meeting – you’re invited!

In October 2021, the ISNI Library Sector Consultation Group, in which the ISSN International Centre participates, held its first-ever Open Meeting. The Consultation Group has since launched two ISNI Working Groups: ISNIs in the Book Supply Chain; and ISNI Data Model for Publishers & Imprints. Updates on the work of these new Working Groups will be presented at the next Open Meeting, which will take place on Thursday 7 April 2022. If you’d like to find out more about this meeting or would like to volunteer to take part, please email for further information. All ISNI Member organisations and Registration Agencies will be warmly welcomed.

The official RDA Metadata Guidance Documentation (MGD) is published

Thanks to the joint efforts from Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) institutions and the Library of Congress RDA (Resource Description and Access) project team, the Metadata Guidance Documentation (MGD) project was completed on January 31, 2022. MGD documentation will be used with the Official RDA Toolkit and the accompanying LC-PCC Policy Statements. MGD documentation gives detailed instructions and examples, expanding on the instructions in the Toolkit and the LC-PCC PSs. The PCC Task Group will test the Official RDA Toolkit to ensure that PCC catalogers can use the Toolkit to accurately catalog materials in various formats in both MARC and BIBFRAME. The decision to implement the Official RDA Toolkit will not be made before October 2022.

Library of Congress’ annual revision of the Recommended Formats Statement

The Library of Congress is pleased to announce the latest annual call for input from stakeholders involved in the lifecycle of creative works for the upcoming annual revision of the Recommended Formats Statement. The significant changes made in recent years in developing the ‘RFS 2.0’ represent the Library’s understanding of the growing importance of the Statement, which is used as a crucial tool in implementing the Library’s new Digital Collecting Strategy.
The Library of Congress is looking forward to hearing your thoughts by April 15, 2022 about how the latest version of the RFS is working and what might be improved, in order to better meet the needs of particular groups of users. The upcoming revision of the Statement is due out on June 30, 2022.