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14 publishers endorse NISO Transfer Code of Practice in 2020




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In 2020, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) welcomed 14 new endorsing publishers as the most recent adopters of its Transfer Code of Practice.

The Transfer Code of Practice responds to the expressed needs of the scholarly journal community for consistent guidelines to help publishers ensure that journal content remains easily accessible by librarians and readers when there is a transfer between parties, and to ensure that the transfer process occurs with minimum disruption. The Code contains best practice guidelines for both the Transferring Publisher and the Receiving Publisher.  Publishers are asked to endorse the Code and to abide by its principles wherever it is commercially reasonable to do so. Publishers who endorse the Code can register for free with the ISSN Portal ; when they acquire a title, they may record the transfer through this portal. Information about transfers is shared with the library and publishing communities via the Transfer Alerting Service<>.