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IFLA ISBD Review Group announces the release of the 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD




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The 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD is the first release since the publication of the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD. It extends the coverage of ISBD to a larger array of resources, optimizes its ability for granular description, clarifies and develops some of the elements, and brings more organization and refinements into the description of some types of resources. Its development brings together the energies and expertise of senior members of the ISBD Review Group and external experts from specialized associations and learned societies. Mikael Wetterstöm, as Metadata expert at ISSN International Centre, participated in the Manifestation Task Force. Notably, the 2021 Update clarifies title changes for serials, multipart monographic and integrating resources, and changes in the edition statement.

You can download the official edition of the 2021 Update.