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MARC Advisory Committee Meeting Recordings are online




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The MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) advises the MARC Steering Group concerning changes to the MARC 21 formats. The MAC Annual Meeting was held online from 30 June-2 July 2020. The recordings are now available. Three discussions are specifically related to continuing resources:

  • Changes to fields 008/21 and 006/04 for type of continuing resource in the MARC 21 bibliographic Format (Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP10),
  • Defining subfield $0 (Authority record control number or standard number) in field 022 in order to provide a place in the ISSN field for the ISSN URI (Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP11),
  • The modernization of field 856 in the MARC 21 formats (Proposal No. 2020-03).