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When an ISO Standard is Crossed with a NISO Recommended Practice, Good Things Result




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Laurie Kaplan, Sr. Manager at ProQuest, and Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the U.S. ISSN Center and Head of the ISSN Section at the Library of Congress, are active on both the PIE-J committee and the ISO 8 revision working group. Through this presentation, they highlight the most salient points of the newly re-born standard ISO 8:2019:  Presentation and Identification of Periodicals. The “crossing” of the ISO 8 Standard and the NISO PIE-J RP enhances the guidance of PIE-J by presenting similar information in a standard, for the benefit of all stakeholders of the periodical supply chain. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of the ISSN as an identifier of periodicals, with reference to ISO-3297, Information and documentation — International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), currently under revision. It also makes specific recommendations for presentation and identification aspects of retrospective digitization of periodicals.