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The ISSN International Centre will attend COASP




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The 11th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP) will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 24-26 September 2019. Nathalie Cornic, Head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network Department, will attend the conference. This is the opportunity for ISSN International Centre to hear about new trends in Open Access, all of which might interest the development of ROAD, the ISSN Directory of Open Access Resources.

The OASPA annual conference is a major scholarly publishing conference that brings the open access community together to discuss new developments and innovations in scholarly publishing and share common goal to enable research around the world to be openly accessible. This year, the opening panel of the conference will be chaired by Robert Kiley (Head of Open Research, Wellcome Trust), who will mediate a discussion between representatives of international funders with an extended Q&A.

The programme is online.