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ABES exposes ISSN data: some news about free metadata within ISSN records




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Since its inception, Sudoc (the collective catalogue of French academic libraries)  has been supplied with records of the ISSN Register. The partial release of ISSN data since January 2018 now allows a wider exposure of these data to ABES users. ABES (the French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education) can now expose in RDF key ISSN data released as Linked Open Data, via the Sudoc catalogue from the perennial URL of the record. ABES reaffirms that the widest possible opening up of the data is one of the main thrusts of its developments in the coming years. The unique collaboration between ISSN International Centre and ABES for the production and management of bibliographic data with high added value must be enhanced by the widest possible exposure, and ABES will endeavour, in the years to come, to further promote these developments.

[Article in French]