Identifiant International des publications en série
et autres ressources périodiques, électroniques et imprimées


The Keepers Registry and the ISSN Portal are an irreplaceable source of information, says Research Information




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Keepers Registry ( is the service that aims to inform the community of librarians and publishers about the actions taken by archiving agencies across the globe to preserve titles of digitised and born-digital serial publications bearing an eISSN, in order to promote long-term access to documentary resources, and thus consolidate scientific references for the world of research. In July 2019, ISSN International Centre took over from EDINA the Keepers Registry as a natural extension of the ISSN Portal’s services. This strategic decision turns the ISSN Portal into an irreplaceable source of information about periodicals, including their preservation by the partner archiving agencies.

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN International Centre, outlines the work of the Keepers Registry – followed by interviews with four of its partner agencies: Portico (USA), Public Knowledge Project (Canada), the National Digital Preservation Program (China), and the Cariniana Network/IBICT (Brazil).