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75th anniversary of the National and University Library of Bosnia & Herzegovina




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The National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established on 31 October 1945 by the Regulation on the National Library of the Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2020, the National and University Library of B&H (NULB&H) celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding (31st October).

In spite of the fact that the Library building (Vijecnica) and 90% of its valuable documentary content were destroyed in the Summer of 1992, the library has succeeded in the revival of most of its services, and it works according to the Law of Librarianship. A huge effort of reconstruction and reconstitution of catalogues and collections based on preserved collections was undertaken. Following the technological development and requirements of users, the library has gradually transformed functions and services in the attempt to adapt towards modern library and information trends. This institution represents Bosnia and Herzegovina in the international library associations, and it is home for the ISSN, ISBN and ISMN agencies.