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Ms Jasenka Zajec: 30 years in the ISSN Network




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Director of the Croatian Institute for Standards Igor Božićević and librarian advisor of the National and University Libraries in Zagreb Jasenka Zajec.

Ms Jasenka Zajec, library consultant for International Cooperation, member of the ISSN Governing Board for many years and first Director of ISSN Centre for Croatia, is retiring.

Ms Zajec has actively participated in all segments of ISSN Network, supporting and promoting the use of ISSN for many years. Firstly, as a founder and Director of ISSN Centre for Croatia from 1992 to 2011, and then as a member of the governing board from 1996 and Vice-President in two mandates (2000 to 2004); also she has been a President of the National TC 46 Standards Committee from 1997 and a member of many other working groups and projects.

2022 is the 30th anniversary of both the ISSN Centre for Croatia and the ISBN Agency, and marks also the 5th anniversary of the Croatian DOI Agency that all joined together in 2016 to construct an identifiers’ workflow of the Bibliography Department of National and University Library in Zagreb.

We would like to thank Ms Jasenka Zajec for her peerless performance during these past years, and congratulate her on her retirement. The years she worked here have been marked by unsurpassed efficiency and excellence.