Identifiant International des publications en série
et autres ressources périodiques, électroniques et imprimées


Identifying OA Journals: A Core Business of the ISSN Network




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The ISSN International Centre and its Network launched the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources in 2013. ROAD is a free service that received a grant from the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO at its inception. It is now included in the ISSN Portal and it provides metadata related to 5 types of multidisciplinary, open access resources, i.e. journals, monographic series, scholarly blogs, academic repositories and conferences proceedings. In 2021, ROAD selection criteria were revised to tighten up inclusion in the service and to counter some improprieties.

Beyond the issue of OA scholarly resources and their selection, this presentation at IFLA 2022 in Dublin is the opportunity to learn more about the ISSN Network and especially about ISSN Ireland which is hosted by the National Library of Ireland.