Identifiant International des publications en série
et autres ressources périodiques, électroniques et imprimées


Conference aboud Identifiers held by the National Book Chamber of Moldova (18 April 2019, Chisinau)




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On April 18th, 2019, the National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova (NBCRM) and ISSN National Centre for Moldova organized a conference-meeting entitled: National editorial system – the National Book Chamber: Interactions and paradigms. The event was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, in partnership with the Moldovan Publishers Association, the Institute for Information Society Development (IDSI), and Andrei Lupan Scientific Library (Institute).

The event included an update for stakeholders regarding ISSN, as well as other identifiers such as ISBN and ISMN, and sessions where the attendees reported back on the current status of publishing from their own perspectives.

The full press release (in English) from the conference can be downloaded here.