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Dr Harsh Vardhan Lays the Foundation of a New Institute NIScPR




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The new entity CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) was inaugurated with a new Vision on 14 January 2021 by the Union Science and Technology Minister of India, Dr Harsh Vardhan. The new Institute has been established after the merger of two prestigious institutes of CSIR namely, CSIR-NISCAIR and CSIR-NISTADS. The merger will combine strength of two institutes in a synergistic way with a vision to become a globally respected Think Tank and Resource Centre for understanding Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Policy Research and Communication. CSIR-NISCAIR manages the largest and oldest National Science Library and also distributes International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for Indian continuing resources. It has been the custodian of the National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC) which facilitates access to more than 5,000 e-journals of all major publishers, patents, standards, citations, and bibliographic databases.