Identifiant International des publications en série
et autres ressources périodiques, électroniques et imprimées


Gaëlle Béquet will take part to Latindex General Assembly held late October in Madrid




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Latindex is a regional consortium created in 1995 and which manages databases about scientific and professional journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. The main catalogue provides a comprehensive coverage of serial resources both print and online with approximately 24,000 titles. A subset of this catalogue –about 8,300 titles- identifies quality journals sorted out according to editorial criteria defined by Latindex. Latindex also provides access to 6,752 digital journals categorized by themes, regions and countries. Latindex has been a partner of the ISSN International Centre for many years and both will renew their cooperation agreement during the 21st meeting of Latindex that will take place in Madrid  (Sept.29th to Oct. 2nd 2015).