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ISSN IC to participate in a Workshop organised by JISC about Metadata




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Pierre Godefroy, Head of Information Systems, will participate in a meeting organised by JISC about The Future of Metadata: An Action Plan Discussion, to be held in London on 22 May 2019. This invite-only event is led by active participants in the Community Data Group that formed in response to the Jisc-led National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK). It will bring together a wide range of key stakeholders (libraries, data suppliers, publishers, vendors and standard agencies)  to create an action agenda to clarify the demand, optimise the supply, and enhance the quality of metadata for print and electronic published resources. Participants will work towards agreement on a set of principles around the supply and exploitation of bibliographic data. Discussions will be based on a Jisc-commissioned recent report (download summary slide deck) by Ken Chad Consulting Ltd.