Director of ISSN National Centre of India moves to a new role at CSIR
On 10 May 2020, Dr G. Mahesh, the head of India’s National Science Library and director of the ISSN National Centre of India, accepted a new role at the ISSN Centre’s host institution, CSIR-NISCAIR (National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources). As a Principal Scientist, he has been appointed to take a new position at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the umbrella organization under which CSIR-NISCAIR and 37 other such S&T organizations belong. Dr G. Mahesh will join the newly formed « Science Communication and Dissemination Directorate ». G. Mahesh is also the Project Leader and Coordinator of the National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC) that facilitates access to numerous electronic resources to all the CSIR and DST Institutions in the country.
A new director of the ISSN National Centre will be appointed very soon.
The lockdown had affected the ISSN National Centre of India activities for more than a month. However, since early May, most of the ISSN services are back to normal.