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Technical Advisory Committee of the Keepers Registry : Looking for volunteer representatives




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The ISSN International Centre has been contributing to the Keepers Registry ( since its inception and started hosting it on the ISSN Portal in December 2019.

Keepers Registry acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for digital and digitized continuing resources.

The ISSN International Centre wants to set up a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that will meet twice a year, oversee the development of the service and submit plans to the ISSN IC Governing Board. Core TAC membership is to comprise three representatives from the Keeper organisations and three volunteers from the user community, i.e. representatives from libraries’ and/or publishers’ associations, plus the ISSN IC Director (ex officio).

If digital preservation and serial publishing are key issues for the association you represent and you want to share ideas and opportunities, please contact Gaelle Bequet ( to submit your candidacy for the TAC. ​