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The ISSN International Centre at the annual conference about Bibliographic Transition Beyond Standardization organized by the Association française de normalization (AFNOR) and the National Library of France (BnF)




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The Annual Conference about Bibliographic Transition Beyond Standardization will take place at the National Library of France on Friday 29 June 2018.

The French Bibliographic Transition program under the aegis of ABES and BnF aims to adapt library catalogues to the semantic web. Since 2015, the professionals involved have worked to publish and implement new cataloguing rules based on RDA-FR, the French adaptation of RDA. They also train and advise libraries and software publishers on the evolution of applications, and support the French library community through awareness-raising.

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre and President of the ISO Technical Committee 46, will deliver the opening address together with Stéphanie Roussel, President of the mirror French Committee 46. Details and registration on