Identifiant International des publications en série
et autres ressources périodiques, électroniques et imprimées


The ISSN Network publishes its list of Multinational Publishers




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The place of publication determines the ISSN Centre responsible for identification. However, when a publisher operates in several countries, an agreement may be reached between this multinational publisher and the involved ISSN Centres so that all requests for identification are handled by one centre. The ISSN Network has created a public list identifying more than 300 multinational publishers. These publishers have been spotted through the ISSN Portal ( data. The ISSN International Centre works with the National Centres on this list of publishers to determine their responsibility for identifying the publications of these publishers. The list also contains information on the names by which these publishers are known and a mapping of relationships between publishers. It also contains a link to the ISNI and VIAF databases. This data is managed by the ISSN Network in an internal wiki that will be updated regularly. Projects to disseminate the list more widely will be launched shortly.