International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISSN IC at IFLA 2015, South Africa (Cape Town)




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IFLA 2015 at Cap Town, from August 15 to 21:

6-19 August 2015: The ISSN International Centre will exhibit at IFLA conference in Cape Town in South Africa (booth n°E127).

On 17 August:

Dr. Cecília Leite Oliveira, Director of the Brazilian Science and Technology Information Institute (IBICT) and Mrs Gaëlle Béquet, will make a presentation on the special thematic number of the journal Ciência da Informação, about ISSN’s 40th Anniversary (afternoon). As from 3:30 p.m, Mrs Béquet and our team look forward to your participation to this special presentation on booth E127. Wine and snacks will be proposed to participants!

On 18 August:

Session 116 Dynamic Transformations and Developments in the World of Serials and Other Continuing Resources – Serials and Other Continuing Resources: 9:30 a.m.: Mrs Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the IC, will make a presentation entitled “E-serials Preservation: a Worldwide Challenge for Research Libraries »

On 19 August:

Session 166 Impact of standards on the international library community – Committee on Standards : 09:30 a.m. Mrs Béquet will make a presentation entitled: “Interaction Between IFLA Standards and Other Library Standards: ISBD, RDA, UNIMARC and ISSN: a Long-Lasting Relationship.


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