Call for Papers: Worldwide Open Access Mandates and Policies
The Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section (SOCRS) invites colleagues to submit proposals for its two-hour open session at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC), Dublin, Ireland, 15-22 August 2020.
Increasingly, the governments and private organizations which fund research are mandating that the research outputs they support are made available as Open Access content. This naturally has a very direct and relevant impact on serials and other continuing resources which are a crucial part of scholarly communication and are increasingly subject to these mandates. Exploring the various ways these mandates impact scholarly communication, especially with regard to serials and other continuing resources, is vital for understanding both the current scholarly communication environment and how it is developing.
Important Dates
15 March 2020: Proposal submission deadline
1 April 2020: Notification to submitters
1 June 2020: Deadline for authors to submit completed papers