International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISNI standard will celebrate its 10th anniversary




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The International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) has been embraced by multiple professional communities over the past decade, and is now one of the most trusted sources of identification and disambiguation for public identities (including individuals and organisations) worldwide. To celebrate this milestone, ISNI International Agency will hold an ISNI Information Day. The online event will take place on Wednesday 1st September 2021, 2pm-4:30pm (BST) / 1pm-3:30pm (GMT) / 3pm-5:30pm (CEST) / 9am-11:30am (EDT) / 6-8:30am (PDT). 
The event will provide an overview of the ISNI standard to date, from its origins and history to its many achievements. Further information about this event, will be announced soon. Please follow the dedicated event hashtag #ISNI2021 on social media.
