International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISSN Romania presented ROAD at the Association of Romanian Librarians’ annual meeting




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On 18 May 2023, ABR (Association of Romanian Librarians) organized its annual professional meetings. For the Serials Section, the theme was Processing and managing serials and other continuing resources – good practice and perspectives. Aurelia Perșinaru and Adina Patriche participated in this meeting with a presentation entitled ROAD – Instrument for Promotion of Open Access Continuing Scholarly Resources.

The presentation aimed to provide a clear picture of what an open-access resource is now, what are the requirements for a resource to be enrolled in ROAD and other useful information about quality management. The topics were: how to promote ROAD and enhance its visibility among Romanian beneficiaries, how to manage continuing resources in ROAD, with a specific focus on ensuring their quality (content and editorial requirements).

The meeting was an excellent platform to disseminate information about ROAD and its objectives, as well as to discuss methods for promoting and effectively managing Romanian open-access continuing scholarly resources.