International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


JASPER: a cross-industry preservation collaboration




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JASPER is a cross-industry collaboration with one main goal: to help open access journals be preserved long-term. The JASPER partners—CLOCKSS, DOAJ, Internet ArchiveThe Keepers Registry, and Public Knowledge Project (PKP)—collaborated to build on existing trusted infrastructure and services. Since its launch two years ago, JASPER has solicited applications from around 100 journal editors, which led to just over 40 applications being submitted. Of the 32 journals selected, 29 chose to be preserved via CLOCKSS and Internet Archive, and three chose to have their OJS-based publications preserved in the PKP-PN. Fourteen of the 26 journals that chose CLOCKSS and Internet Archive are actively sending full-text content via a DOAJ-Internet Archive-CLOCKSS pipeline.