Multi-scalar indicators to assess structurally heterogeneous scientific fields
In the concept that there is a mainstream science and, by opposition, a “peripheral” science, the publications in journals indexed by Web of Science and the type of indicators used to measure the world’s scientific and technological production (STP), have undoubtedly played a fundamental role, since they have become the main axis of institutional and individual evaluation also in the periphery. Hence the urgent need to create new tools to measure STP in the periphery, which may break the vicious circle that commodifies evaluative cultures. Circulation indicators have been proposed as a possible response to this challenge, since they take into account the diversity of production styles and the multiscale nature of university interactions. In this work, progress made in this area is presented. On the one hand, in relation to the Latin American circuit of scientific journals, which has not yet been able to offer regional indicators of the published STP, so that it may have relevance in the evaluation processes. On the other hand, in relation to the styles of knowledge production in universities, in order to be able to examine the circulation of STP on a local scale.
[Article in Spanish]