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The Evolution of Open Access Journal Publishing 2010-2016: A Closer Look at Journals Indexed in Scopus




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This presentation was given at the 9th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP) in September 2017. As an Associate Professor at Hanken School of Economics, Mikael Laakso has been investigating the changing landscape towards openness in scholarly publishing. In this study whose results are still provisional, he has investigated on how open access journal publishing has developed longitudinally relative to subscription content, including relative share of delayed open access (and hybrid open access). A differentiation has been made between journals that have started as OA from the start and journals that have converted to OA. Comparing inclusion criteria in Scopus, DOAJ and ROAD, the ISSN Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, he has concluded that the shift towards OA is strong, and the landscape has completely changed for the last five years.