FDIS ballot to approve ISO 3297 minor revision

ISO standard 3297:2020 — ISSN has been slightly amended and a Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) ballot is now taking place to approve the 7th version of the standard. This ballot will be closed by May 26, 2021. ​Thus, ISO TC46/SC9 members are kindly advised to quickly contact their ISO national member body to cast their vote.

The ISSN Has Lasting Appeal

ISSN Data and the associated suite of services have become an essential element in the identification of continuing resources worldwide: the ISSN Portal to freely and easily identify more than 2.5 million serials; ROAD to access Open Access scholarly resources curated by the ISSN Network; Keepers Registry to check which digital resources are archived by our 14 contributing agencies’; and Transfer Alerting Service to track journal transfer information. Since 1975, the ISSN has been the unique and persistent identifier for journals and other continuing publications. On a daily basis, it serves librarians, editors, publishers, content providers, database managers, scholars, students. Look at the quotations from some of our customers, and read how the latest version of ISO 3297 standard published in 2020 takes into account the requirements of the library and the publishing communities.

Library authority poised to increase country’s literacy rate

The Ghana Library Authority (GhLA) has marked this year’s World Book and Copyright Day with a resolve to leverage on technology to increase the country’s literacy rate. Within the last four years, the authority have introduced some thoughtful initiatives which have helped in connecting Ghanaians to relevant knowledge.

Among these initiatives, applying for International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN), International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and International Standard Music Numbers (ISMN) has been automated to give comfort to clients to apply for them electronically wherever they were in Ghana.


ISSN International Centre will participate online in UKSG

The UKSG 45th Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place as a hybrid event, both online and in Telford, from 30 May to 1 June 2022.

ISSN International Centre will be represented by the Sales team and the head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network.

The programme is anounced and registration is open.

New Director at ISSN Spain

The Director of the Spanish ISSN Centre, Consuelo López Provencio, becomes Head of the Bibliographic Control of Serial Publications Department at the National Library of Spain. Patricia Martín Villalba becomes Head of the National ISSN Centre. Welcome to the ISSN Network, Patricia!

ISSN International Centre supports Think. Check. Submit.

ISSN International Centre is a proud supporter of Think. Check. Submit. as well as a contributing organisation and long-standing committee member.

Established in 2015, Think. Check. Submit. was developed with the support of an international coalition of organisations from across scholarly communications in response to discussions about deceptive publishing and amid a growing number of new and unfamiliar publishing options available for researchers.

Think. Check. Submit. provides a range of tools and practical resources to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications. Separate checklists for journals and books are available to guide researchers through the key criteria for selecting where to publish their research and are also invaluable to scholarly communications professionals who are advising researchers about these issues.  Translations of the checklists are also available in a number of languages.

InterAcademy Partnership’s report about predatory journals and conferences launched

The InterAcademy Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of its report “Combatting Predatory Journals and Conferences”! To celebrate the publication of this report, to which ISSN Network’s members contributed, IAP hosted a free online webinar on 16 March 2022. This event brought together members of key stakeholder groups to discuss the rise of predatory journals and conferences and the recommendations of IAP’s report for a global, systemic action plan to address these pervasive and damaging practices. This report is the culmination of a two-year study, Combatting Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences, funded by The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, which has explored these practices more comprehensively and inclusively than any previously.