ISSN IC at UKSG 2018 Annual Conference and Exhibition

UKSG 41st Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place in Glasgow, 9-11 April 2018. A presentation of the new ISSN Portal will be held at booth 33, in the exhibition hall of the Scottish Event Campus.

Clément Oury, Head of Data, Network and Standards department at ISSN International Centre, will also participate in the next ICEDIS meeting to be held after the UKSG annual conference.

The Conference Programme is now online.

ISSN International Centre and DOAJ: A renewed partnership

DOAJ and the ISSN International Centre have just renewed their Memorandum of Understanding whose purpose is to document the metadata exchange and linking between the DOAJ and the ISSN portal for open access scholarly journals. The benefit of this agreement is to give an insight about trusted peer-reviewed open access journals in the ISSN Portal, and to improve the quality of the metadata for both services.

Survey about the ISSN Standard

The ISSN International Centre expresses its thanks to the 1491 colleagues and partners who have submitted a response to the Opinion Survey about the ISSN Standard. The survey was circulated in 7 languages and has attracted attention in 78 countries. The ISO Working Group on the revision of the ISSN standard will now discuss the survey findings. We will keep you posted!

The new ISSN portal and customer extranet is online!

Since 5th January 2018, the ISSN International Centre has been offering a new ISSN portal interface and a new ISSN Extranet for publishers.

The ISSN Portal interface (https://portal.issn.org) combines free data and subscription-based access to enhanced ISSN data. New features have been added. A cartographic search is now available from the landing page, enabling to search by place of publication. Subscribing users can submit a list of ISSNs in order to check the ISSN status and get the corresponding records. Faceted refinements are possible as well as a search by subjects. The new portal also provides linked and enriched information to its customers.

The ISSN Extranet provides publishers with enhanced services meant to facilitate ISSN requests and track the assignment process at every stage. Moreover, publishers can claim ownership for publications.

ISSN assignment is now a chargeable service. An ISSN request shall cost between 25€ and 50€ as per the country where the publisher is located. Service packages are also available on request. For further information, please contact communication[at]issn.org.

The National Diet Library launched a new NDL Online Search and Request Service

The National Diet Library launched on 5 january 2018 the Online Search and Request Service (NDL Online) and a new bibliographic records service (NDL-Bib).

NDL Online is a new service replacing the NDL-OPAC. Among the major services and functionalities of the NDL Online, a new English-language interface is available and allows patrons to make requests and search NDL holdings and the Japanese Periodicals Index. In addition, a new National Diet Library Bibliographic Records Service (NDL-Bib) was launched  to enable patrons to download bibliographic information created by the National Diet Library.

Publishers : Important changes in the processing of ISSN requests

As from January 2018, the ISSN International Centre is offering:

  • a new ISSN Extranet for publishers with enhanced services such as:

— easy ISSN requests for publications
— tracking of the assignment process at every stage
— reports of titles for which publishers assume editorial responsibility
— fast requests for modification
— declarations of transfer of ownership
— interactions with the ISSN team through a collaborative platform

  • a new ISSN Portal interface (http://portal.issn.org) combining free data and subscription-based access to enhanced ISSN data.

ISSN assignment is now a paid-for service. An ISSN request shall cost between 25 € and 50 € as per the country the publisher is located in. Service packages are also available on request.

The current ISSN Request web form will no longer be in use after Dec. 10th, 2017.

Publishers shall wait until Jan. 3rd, 2018 to send their new ISSN Requests using the extranet.

For further information, please contact communication[a]issn.org.

The new ISSN portal will go live in January 2018

In January 2018, the ISSN International Centre will release its new portal and customer extranet. It has been completely re-designed and will offer a new interface to request ISSN assignments, and some new customer services.

The ISSN International Centre has been working for one year with the French IT company Progilone to set up a RDF triplestore based on the specific ISSN data model designed by the ISSN International Centre. ISSN applicants will also use the new extranet to register their publications’ data and track the status of their requests. Other features shall include online report of titles for which a given publisher assumes editorial responsibility, and online request for modification regarding the metadata describing serial publications under the responsibility of any publisher.

A first version of the portal and customer extranet will be presented as a preview for French users on December 12th, 2017 in Paris. The ISSN International Centre will make a demo of the new portal and will present new services, more specifically those available for subscribers.

Participation is free upon reservation.

[Article en français]