ISSN IC will participate in ABES conference

Pierre Godefroy, IT Coordinator, and Nathalie Cornic, Deputy Head of the Data, Network & Standards Department, will participate in a workshop about a metadata enhancement project shared between ISSN IC and ABES. They will also attend the annual conference organised by ABES (the French Higher Education Bibliographic Agency). This event gathers national and international experts as well as 500 LIS profesionals around topics like serials cataloguing and electronic resources acquisition. 2016 general topic is: From puzzle to mosaic towards scientific and technical information.

Keepers workshop to be held on 6-7th June 2016 in Paris

The ISSN International Centre and EDINA (University of Edinburgh) will organize their second international workshop in Paris on the 6th and 7th of June 2016. This event forms part of the Keepers Extra project, being carried out at EDINA as a JISC investment. It will again bring together representatives of international archiving agencies, national libraries, research libraries and consortia, and other key stakeholders  who share the common goal of increasing the proportion of e-journal coverage in archiving agencies. This June 2016 workshop will represent the first activities of a shared international action agenda and form the basis of an ongoing international e-journal preservation network.

ISSN IC will be present at ElPub in June 2016

Nathalie Cornic, Deputy Head of the Data, Network and Standards department, will present a poster at the 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB). The title of the presentation is: ROAD: the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources to Promote Open Access Worldwide. The conference will investigate the position and power of players and agents, and aims to sharpen the view for current challenges and ways forward to reshape the publishing system.

ISSN IC at the 18th Fiesole Collection Development Retreat

The Fiesole Collection Development Retreats Series 2016: Presentations now available!

Discover the papers presented at the Fiesole conference organized by Casalini Libri from 6th to 8th April 2016. Gaëlle Béquet (ISSN IC), Todd Carpenter (NISO) and Graham Stone (University of Huddersfield) were the speakers invited by Helen Henderson (Information Power Ltd) to give a talk at the special session about identifiers on April 7th.

Presentations will be soon on ISSN IC Slideshare: http://fr.slideshare.net/ISSNIC40/presentations

Compartir buenas prácticas en el trabajo fortalece centros nacionales de ISSN

El pasado 7 de enero de 2016, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, tuvo lugar el encuentro entre los Centros Nacionales de ISSN, argentino y colombiano.  El motivo de esta reunión fue establecer lazos de cooperación y compartir experiencias de trabajo, entre otros temas más de colegaje. Como resultado de esta reunión, el Centro Colombiano está implementando una jornada gratuita, sobre Sistemas de creación y gestión de publicaciones seriadas en línea, con énfasis en Open Journal Systems.

A través de una capacitación a los participantes para interactuar con el sistema de publicación en línea (OJS), se mostrará como contribuir a la preservación de publicaciones seriadas en soporte papel, fomentando la migración a formatos electrónicos que facilitan su preservación y consulta a través de la Web, utilizando el código ISSN.

ISSN IC Director at Fiesole Collection Development Retreat

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN IC, will speak in the 18th Fiesole Collection Development Retreat which will take place in Fiesole (Italy) from 6th to 8th April, 2016. This year’s topic will address issues in digital scholarly communication and accessibility of research data. On 7th April, a session will focus on discovery tools and data identification. Gaëlle Béquet’s speach will be intitled: «ISSN: A key identifier poised for innovation». It will give the ISSN International Centre an opportunity to present its innovative strategy. More details can be found at http://libraries.casalini.it/retreat/