Presentation of Keepers Registry at the Journées de la Documentation en Mathématiques (November 21, 2023, online)


The Réseau National des Bibliothèques de Mathématiques (RNBM), France, is organizing the Journées de la Documentation Mathématique (Mathematical Documentation Days) from November 20 to 24, 2023, on the theme of preservation and persistent access to documentation for mathematical research. The presentation of Keepers Registry and the Submit.Retrieve.Reuse service is scheduled on November 21 at 16.00 CET. Presentations by ZBW — Leibniz Information Center for Economics and LOCKSS/CLOCKSS, two archiving agencies partnering with Keepers Registry, will follow. The full program is available.

Le Réseau National des Bibliothèques de mathématiques (RNBM) organise du 20 au 24 novembre 2023 les Journées de la Documentation mathématique sur le thème de la conservation et de l’accès pérenne à la documentation pour la recherche en mathématiques. La présentation de Keepers Registry et du service Submit.Retrieve.Reuse est programmée le mardi 21 novembre à 16.00 CET. Cette présentation sera suivie de celle de la ZBW — Leibniz Information Center for Economics et de celle de LOCKSS/CLOCKSS, deux agences d’archivage partenaires de Keepers Registry. Le programme complet est disponible.

Chantier d’attribution d’ISSN par le Centre ISSN France / ISSN assignment by ISSN France

Parallèlement au chantier d’attribution d’ISSN mené par l’Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (Abes) et concernant les titres étrangers, le Centre ISSN France traite les titres électroniques français en libre accès (possédant un ISSN imprimé mais pas d’ISSN électronique) ainsi que les titres français sans ISSN.
L’objectif de l’Abes et du Centre ISSN France reste commun : améliorer le référencement des titres de Mir@bel.
En 18 mois, le Centre ISSN France a permis à lui seul l’ajout de 705 ISSN.
Pour mémoire vous pouvez consulter la captation vidéo de la présentation Centre ISSN France, retour d’expérience d’un partenaire particulier — (BnF).

While the French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (Abes) is assigning ISSNs for foreign titles, the ISSN Centre France is processing French open access electronic titles (with a printed ISSN but no electronic ISSN) and French titles without an ISSN.
The aim of Abes and ISSN France remains the same: to improve the referencing of Mir@bel titles.
In 18 months, the Centre ISSN France alone has added 705 ISSNs.
For the record, you can watch the video of the presentation Centre ISSN France, feedback from a special partner — (BnF).

Abes et Mir@bel : retours sur le chantier d’attribution de n°ISSN pour les revues en accès libre

Visuel Abes Mirabel ISSN






Début 2022,  en s’appuyant sur les données de la base Mir@bel et sur la Base de Connaissance BACON, un corpus d’environ 700 titres étrangers en libre accès ne possédant pas d’eISSN était identifié.

Ce chantier, qui vise à améliorer l’identification des ressources en libre accès, et éventuellement de leur généalogie, en demandant leur numérotation ISSN, concerne un large périmètre, soit 88 pays et 75 Centres Nationaux différents. Un an et demi après son lancement, voici un bilan de l’avancée de ce chantier au long cours.

At the beginning of 2022, using data from the Mir@bel database and the BACON Knowledge Base, a corpus of around 700 international open access titles that do not have an eISSN was identified.

This project, which aims to improve the identification of open access resources, and possibly their genealogy, by requesting their ISSN assignment, covers a wide area, i.e. 88 countries and 75 different ISSN National Centres. A year and a half after its launch, here is a progress report on this long-term project.

IBICT will present the Pinakes Project on November 28th, 2023

Projeto Pinakes: modernização dos serviços bibliográficos tradicionais do Ibict e a construção de suas infraestruturas informacionais e tecnológicas

The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), that hosts ISSN Brazil, will present the Pinakes Project on November 28th, from 9am to 12pm. Pinakes Project aims at modernizing Ibict’s traditional bibliographic services and building its information and technological infrastructure. This event is free and open to the public. It will take place in the Auditorium of the Socioeconomic Center of the UFSC.

Registrations should be made at https://www.even3.com.br/servicos-bibliograficos-ibict/.


ISSN IC @ 2023 Charleston Library Conference

The 2023 Charleston Conference will be held both in person (Nov. 6 – 10) and online (Nov. 27 – Dec. 1).

On Nov. 9, Gaelle Bequet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, and Michelle Polchow, Electronic Resource Librarian at University of California, Davis, will give their presentation about Submit.Retrieve.Reuse, the new service that helps libraries and content providers to check their journal metadata. Agenda and registration available here : https://www.charleston-hub.com/the-charleston-conference/.

The 48th ISSN Centres Directors’ Meeting is taking place in Brussels, Belgium (23-26 October 2023)

The 48th ISSN Centre Directors’ Meeting is being held from October 23-26, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium, at the kind invitation of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek/Bibliothèque royale (KBR).

The ISSN International Centre, located in Paris, France, has put together a dense agenda of presentations that will be attended by 60 participants from various continents.

This annual meeting of ISSN National Centre Directors is an opportunity for colleagues from ISSN Network Member Countries to exchange information on their activities, foster cooperation and participate in workshops.

Training will be provided by the ISSN International Centre team in the use of its up-to-date metadata production tool which has been upgraded regularly since its launch in June 2022. This tool is the production base underlying the ISSN portal, the global index for continuing resources (https://portal.issn.org).

A warm welcome to all delegates of the ISSN Network !

Focus on ISSN Germany

Christian Schütz, Head of Collection Development and Media Acquisition, Director of the German ISSN Centre, explains the missions of the German ISSN centre, the scope of an ISSN assignment, the notion of key title and the practical usage of an ISSN.

The German National Library’s diverse areas of responsibility also include the national ISSN centre for Germany. If you need an ISSN for a continuing resource published in Germany, then the German centre is responsible. A detailed overview of all publications that can receive an ISSN can be found on the information pages of the national ISSN center for Germany. The assigned ISSN is documented in the ISSN portal, the journal database and the catalog of the German National Library together with a bibliographic description. We therefore recommend checking an ISSN in the DNB catalog: https://portal.dnb.de/ or the ISSN portal, where you can find the current bibliographic description.