International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISSN International Centre Assessment of the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is available!

The evaluation of the ISSN International Centre’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan highlights key achievements, challenges and future goals. Achievements include the creation of cluster ISSNs for better resource tracking and the expansion of the Keepers Registry to 20 agencies for the preservation of digital and print serials. The network grew with the addition of six new National Centres, despite delays due to complex procedures. Challenges included limited progress in improving the interoperability of the ISSN portal through the integration of ISNIs and the implementation of persistent URLs. Future plans aim to build on these achievements while addressing outstanding issues.



The ISSN International Centre action plan 2025 – 2029 is now available !

The ISSN International Centre’s Action plan 2025 – 2029 outlines strategic objectives to enhance global bibliographic data services for serial publications. Key initiatives include expanding the ISSN network, improving metadata quality, and fostering preservation through the Keepers Registry. The plan emphasizes service innovation for libraries and publishers, such as new identifiers, enhanced classification systems, and targeted marketing. Sustainability goals focus on reducing environmental impacts, while leveraging AI and international standards ensures modernized identifier systems. The strategy builds on achievements from 2020–2024, aiming for a robust, connected, and innovative ISSN ecosystem by 2030.


ISSN portal data used for a paper at the Open Science Conference in the South (Cape Town, 9-11 December 2024)

Innocent Azilan (Institut méditerranéen des sciences de l’information et de la communication, France), Hanae Hroul (Ecole des Sciences de l’Information, Morocco), Nadia Barnoussi (Ecole des Sciences de l’Information, Morocco) and Pascal Aventurier (IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France) will present their research on the internationalisation and visibility of African Open Access journals at the Open Science Conference in the South, to be held in South Africa from 9 to 11 December. This research has been made possible by the availability of data from the ISSN portal ( The programme is available here: