The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 46 Information and Documentation will meet from 22 to 26 May 2023 in Paris. The ISSN International Centre, which participates in the work of the committee, is helping to organize an event that will bring together experts from national delegations. They will visit the National Archives and the National Library of France (Richelieu Building). A reception will be held at the end of the day so that participants can enjoy French hospitality.
Meeting at the National Library of Benin (March 1st, 2023)
Koffi Attede, Director of the National Library of Benin, and his team organized a meeting with Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre in Porto Novo on 1 March 2023. The National Libraryof Benin has managed the Benin ISSN Centre since 2000.
ZBW is official archive partner for ISSN International Centre and Keepers Registry
The international cooperation between ISSN International Centre and ZBW is expanding in the context of digital preservation. The ZBW is the first German academic library to become a “Keeper” for the ISSN International Centre. The ZBW is responsible for the digital preservation of nearly 2,000 journals and other serial resources in economics and will list them in the ISSN Portal. Digital preservation at the ZBW has been awarded the international Core Trust Seal in 2020 and is the first institution in Germany to have achieved three certifications: the Data Seal of Approval, the nestor-Seal and also the CoreTrustSeal.