International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISSN International Centre @ PIDFest (Prague, 11-13 June 2024)

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, and Carlos Authier, Director of ISSN Argentina, will be speaking at the PIDFest conference organised in Prague by the National Library of Technology, which hosts ISSN Czech Republic. Gaëlle and Carlos will give a joint presentation on the interoperability of ARK, ISNI, ISSN and URN identifiers. The full conference programme is available here:


ISSN IC @ BiblioCon 2024 Conference

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN International Centre, is invited to participate in a panel discussion together with Ana Maria Cetto, Universidad Autónoma de México, Chair of the UNESCO Open Science Commission, and Sibylle Hermann, Information and Communication Centre of the University of Stuttgart. This session International perspectives on openness in science and information infrastructures will be held during the BiblioCon 2024 Conference that will take place from 4 to 7 June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany.
Based on the position paper Openness in Libraries, this roundtable will discuss experiences and developments from other regions of the world.

Look at the programme of the conference.


The French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (ABES) will celebrate its 30th anniversary

The agency organises every year the SUDOC PS Network Meeting with university librarians specialized in serial identification and cataloguing. Nathalie Cornic, Head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network, will participate in SUDOC PS Network Meeting to be held online on 30 May 2024. She will provide an update about the participation of the ISSN Network in CIDEMIS, the Dematerialized CIrcuit of ISSN Requests, designed to manage ISSN assignment and modification requests for continuous resources reported in the Sudoc. A presentation of the latest projects run by ISSN International Centre is also on the agenda.