International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


Director of ISSN International Centre to chair 2020 ISO TC46 Annual Meeting (11-15 May 2020, remote)

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will chair the 2020 ISO TC46 Annual Meeting that will take place remotely due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. More than thirty meetings are scheduled online to discuss current standardization initiatives.


Note to publishers requesting ISSN assignments from the ISSN Network

Due to the COVID-19 global outbreak and health and social measures imposed by several national authorities, ISSN National Centres and their hosting institutions may encounter technical and operational issues. This particular situation may have an impact on the timely management of publishers’ ISSN requests and ISSN assignments. Unfortunately, the ISSN International Centre cannot currently replace impacted ISSN National Centres and manage all ISSN requests and assignments. If ISSN National Centres and their hosting institutions are temporary closed due to this crisis, the ISSN International Centre invites publishers to be patient and renew their requests regularly. We thank you for your understanding.


The ISSN IC continues to operate during the COVID-19 crisis

The ISSN International Centre operates remotely and responds to all your requests concerning the use of its services (ISSN Portal, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, Keepers Registry, Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service, ISSN assignments to serials and continuing resources). Do not hesitate to contact us by email or via Facebook and Twitter.