International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISSN International Centre at ALA 2018 Annual Conference

The ISSN International Centre will participate in the Annual Conference of the American Library Association which takes place in New Orleans, LA, from 21 to 26 June 2018. Presentations of the new ISSN Portal will be given at the RDA pre-conference on June 22 and at the the Publisher-Vendor-Library Relations session on June 25.

Live demos will also be shown on booth 2920.


The ISSN International Centre sponsors Libraries in the Digital Age 2018 (LIDA)

The Director of the ISSN International Centre will have meetings at the Croatian ISSN Centre (June 11-12, 2018). She will then attend the 2018 Libraries in the Digital Age Conference and give a presentation about the new ISSN Portal (June 14th, 2018).


The ISSN International Centre at 2018 ABES Annual Conference (Montpellier, May 23-24)

The French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (ABES) organises every year its annual meeting with its network of academic libraries.  ABES also holds annually the SUDOC PS Meeting with university librarians specialized in serial identification and cataloguing.

The ISSN International Centre has been invited to participate in both events. The Head of Data, Network and Standards Department at the ISSN International Centre shall give a demo of the ISSN portal (programme ) and participate in the SUDOC PS Meeting (May 25th, 2018).