International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ABES annual meeting

The International Centre will attend the annual meeting of ABES (les Journées de l’ABES) in Montpellier on 27&28 May, 2015.


64th Governing Board Meeting

The 64th ISSN Governing Board Meeting was held on April 29th, and 30th, 2015, in Paris, in the ISSN IC premises.


Blog for the 40th Anniversary of the ISSN Network.

We have the pleasure to inform you that the blog for the 40th Anniversary of the ISSN Network is now available through the URL:

This blog contains 5 main menus: ISSN history, pictures, testimonies, presentations from ISSN National Centres and testimonies from publishers.It will be updated regularly.